Saturday 15 November 2008

draft- jot

Will plagiarism checks suit our educational system?
We will make all fundametals(Like Interia, integration,etc) taught and supplemented by animation instead of just black board?
Can we ask what is "developed" nation?
Should we show the diseases within teens in developed nations and causes of it?
What is statistics and how the awareness of it affects children and their future?

All I want is to ask these kind of questions to myself, school students, teachers and to their parents ? Dont know how I will do it, but will keep contemplating these until it bursts into a workable idea.

Posting here thinking might you have same aspirations

Saturday 8 November 2008

To eradicate false aspirations- ?

 A student to aspire to become a doctor or computer engineer can be rational and would makes us wonder that there is some drive inside the aspirer to achieve that class aspiration. But if millions have to have same 'IT' aspiration, then there is something else which drives within them.

I took IT as a example to explain how we Indians get fever of something volatile without fore seeing the complete picture. Like when I was looking for jobs I was instigated that if I learn Java/.net, I will get job. Fortunately it did not work on me. I am pretty sure that we have this kind of attitude on anything and everything. 

Majority of we people do not critically analyse the logic behind the daily life to an extent we used to do. We invented zero just to have a smoothness in our day to day maths like buying selling cows/goats, tax etc. But now we just want study " Java for dummies " asap and memorise interview questions to survive. I accept what IT has given to our country at any case. But we need to accept that IT growth was a global one not just in India. We have done too much on IT.

May be what I am saying could be a bit older trend as in applicable during the IT boom days. May be we are changing or are bit lost, which why exactly I want to point out the disaster of false hopes and causes of one horse income. We must make sure that we have learnt a lesson to not to forget an  importance of a global awareness and multitudinal growth.

Alhough there could be lots of methods to bring about this change I want to give my mights to the core of it, yes to create awareness and critical thinking in schools. Example, imagine you are taught with job satisfaction and ask yourself to role play your favorite job at your higher secondary school. Imagine we are shown with video of poor people in developed nations so that we will can critically compare with ours and shed an idea of 'developed/developing/under developed'.

Radical or not, workable or not, I am doing this, to create an awareness within students in primary,high and higher secondary schools starting from places I can start with.

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